

We maintain a collection of centralised policies which govern all schools in the Trust. Individual schools maintain their own local policies where deviation exists.

Central Trust-wide Policies

Our Trust-wide policies aim to provide students, parents, carers and staff with clear information about the standards expected by all members of the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ CET community.

Central policies are adopted by all schools within the Trust and are published on the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ central website. 

Operational Policies

Policy Approved
Jan 2024
Jul 2023
Sep 2022
Dec 2023
Feb 2024
Jul 2024
May 2023
Feb 2022
Mar 2022
Oct 2023

Local School-Specific Policies

Please refer to our individual schools’ websites for their own local policies and procedures.